Young Visionary Leaders Ghana(YVLG)
Empowering Change, Transforming Lives...

Our Goal by 2030

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Activity, Education


THEME: “For Every Child, Every Right: Promoting Child Development Through Play’’.

Mr. Chair, Niimey / Naamey, The Weija Gbawe Municipal Director of Education, The Public Relation Officer Weija Gbawe Municipal Education Directorate, Representatives from the Weija Gbawe Municipal Assembly, Heads of Schools, Teachers, Fellow Development Partners, Parents, Pupils, Friends from the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A very good morning to you all!

It is an honor done me to be here with you this morning to deliver the keynote speech of this august


WORLD CHILDREN’S DAY was first established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Right of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Right of the Child.
Since 1990, World Children’s Day also marks the anniversary of the date that the UN General Assembly adopted both the Declaration and the Convention on children’s rights.

Ghana’s Context

Children’s rights are human rights. But in many communities in Ghana today, children’s rights (Right to education, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, freedom of speech, etc…) are under attack. Mr. Chair, on World Children’s Day, we make space for children and young people to raise their
voices on the issues that matter to them. By prioritizing children’s rights and participation, we can help to build a better future for all. From climate change, education, and mental health, to ending racism and discrimination, children and young people are raising their voices on the issues that matter to their generation and calling
for adults to create a better future. This World Children’s Day is more important than ever that the world listens to their ideas and demands.

Young Visionary Leaders Ghana and its partners (Global Fund For Children, Move the World, Mother of All Nations and Ghana Education Service) therefore call on mothers and fathers, teachers, nurses and doctors, government leaders and civil society activists, religious and community elders, corporate moguls and media professionals, as well as young people and children themselves, to play an important part in making World Children’s Day relevant for their societies, communities and nations to ensure that their right are protected and to implement policies that ensure full enjoyment of basic rights of children.

Mr. Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme this year is “FOR EVERY CHILD, EVERY RIGHT: PROMOTING CHILD DEVELOPMENT THROUGH PLAY.’’ Learning through play is how we are built to learn. And the evidence keeps growing that playing helps children master all the skills they need to thrive in our fast-moving, ever-changing world.

Through play, children build five flexible skills that help them take on the future with confidence: Physical, Social, Emotional, Cognitive and Creative Skills.
Every child wonder what they will be when they grow up. But how do they prepare for a world that keeps changing? Who would have thought drone pilot or content creator would be a job thirty years ago?

Through play, children flex and find their way. Instead of noting down rigid facts and figures, they hone ways of thinking, creating, working together and testing ideas. All skills they will need to thrive throughout their lives.

So, the sooner we bring learning through play into every home and classroom, the sooner we help our children get set for tomorrow, whatever tomorrow looks like. We therefore encourage teachers, parents, and school authorities to cultivate and in cooperate the habit of learning through play as we celebrate this important day.


Mr. Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, World Children’s Day offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children’s rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children. On this note, we wish all children worldwide a happy World Children’s Day 2023.

May God Bless Us All and Bless Our Homeland Ghana.

Thank you and enjoy the program.


Joseph Tettey Afangbe.
Founder and Executive Director
Young Visionary Leaders Ghana
Co-Convener Ghana CSOs Sub-Platform on Sustainable Development Goal 4
Vice-Chair, Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition, Greater Accra.
Tel: +233(0)247502614 Email:

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